Wednesday, February 16, 2011


in economics lesson, we often meet with the bank , let's study economics lesson effectively
definition of bank
The word came from Italian banks, namely Banco.

Banco in the past means a bench or table. Table in the history benk for the first time used as a place to change money. Therefore the bank in a for a purpose as a place to change money. In the next stage, the bank functions used by Goldsmith which provide storage services of gold and silver money to avoid theft. To prove that someone had to place money, he was given a sheet of paper that is more popular with the name goldsminth notes. Goldsminth notes can be equated money demand deposits at this time. With a sheet of paper, buying or selling gold coins can be done easily by the goldsminth and the storage of money.
History of banks
Prof. G.M. Verryn Stuart in his book of political banks, giving the sense that the bank is an entity that aims to have to give credit, either with his own money or borrowed from others, and circulating banknotes and demand deposits. Banks consist of central bank and commercial banks.  

 + The central bank is an independent State institution performance and authority duties, free from government's interference, except in cases specified by law The main task of central banks:
- Implementing the monetary policy
- Organize and implement the payment system  
- Manage and supervise other banks 

+ commercial banks is a banks conducting business such as collecting funds and providing loans and payment of traffic services in the financial sector to the public. The function of commercial banks:

- Give credit and debt instruments issued  
- Provide a place to store goods and securities.  
- Transferring money 
 - Etc. 

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