Saturday, February 12, 2011

perfect competition market

now we will study economics about market,what is meant by perfect competition market? what is the condition to be said a perfect competitive market? these questions can be answered as follows. perfect competitive market is a perfect form of a market. perfect competition to the mark by several factors as follows:

1) sellers and buyers very much. so much,so that their buying and selling only a small proportion of the total goods or services traded in the market.
2) the company sells products homogenization standard or have a very high level, such as fresh milk market, gold, stocks, etc.
3) sellers and buyers are perfectly aware of market conditions,  
4) the company and production resources are free to move.
5) the company may exit the market or to enter the market with very easy because there are no fees or patent rights, licenses, fees are high capital costs to enter the market or leave the market.  
with the above factors, each actors can not control the market. truly competitive market because each firm is only as a function of price receiver. 

perfect competitive market's advantages:  

1) there is no obstacle to enter the market 
 2) consumers know the price perfectly  
3) all goods offered at a price that will most likely be normal behavior
perfect competitive market's weaknesses:
1) there is no incentive to raise prices  
2) difficult to raise prices Characteristics: - Many vendors - Many buyer - Smoking in and out of the market - Free movement of production resources - Seller and buyer only serves as a receiver price

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